Part 38: The Friends We Made Along the Way
Update 36 - The Friends We Made Along the Way
MUSIC: All Our Friends
MUSIC: All Our Friends - Intro
(Note: All Our Friends plays over each section of the epilogue. I've broken the song out to play for each section, but if you just want one link, click the top one and let it play while you read!)
We actually did it! We saved the whole damn world! Everyone gets to live... it'd be a miracle... but Bard worked hard for it, and believed in humanity when no one else would. It's time for the well deserved Epilogue, to find out what's happened to all the characters, places, and stories we came across along the way.
The credits will be running the entire time on the right hand side of the screen. It will quickly run out before we finish talking to everyone.
MUSIC: All Our Friends - Mohabumi
We're going to go talk to just about everyone in the game again! We'll first talk to Miriam, of course.

Well... we're here! You said you wanted to check in on your friends, right? Just let me know when you're ready to move on.
Miriam will be our exit point for all these places, as she has nothing to say... for now. Let's get started!

I never thought I'd see the day... but Peace talks are finally happening between Chaandesh and Rulle. If only Hala were still here to see it. I'm keeping her intentions in my heart... and trying to speak in her place here. It's never easy with Mother's stubbornness... but I suppose that was Hala's challenge, as well.

It feels so bizarre, sitting here and talking to the witch-queen... like she's just another person. We spent our whole lives afraid of you...

Get over it. I'm not going to live forever... we don't have time for distrust. I need to know my people will have peace after I'm gone.
The two sides are actually meeting for peace! For whatever it's worth, we never actually find out the names of the Witch-Queen or the Animal-King. The game just calls them "Queen" and "King". It's strange only because literally everyone else has a name in this game.

The Sky Temple was destroyed in the monster outbreak. It's too important a place to leave like that... Are you going to rebuild it?

Uh... I thought you people wanted the Temple...

I thought YOU did!


Well, we did...
Until it got busted... Maybe we should...

Rebuild it together.

Yeah. Like a symbol of our truce.

That's a splendid idea.
Aww, they're working together! The war is actually going to end!

It's hard knowing what to ask for here. All we ever really wanted from you... was... to be left alone, I guess.

Leaving alone is what got us into this mess. Where our communication died, distrust grew... until we lost all concept of your true intentions. We need the promise that we won't be alone anymore. We are here together, and that isn't about to change. So if we are to coexist peacefully... We need to work together.
The Queen's stubbornness is actually working in the favor of peace here, since she wants a peace everlasting, and not one that dies in a few years. The only person left here is the King's guard, Lee.

It's you... I promised myself, if I ever saw you again, I'd capture you and put you back in prison.
Oh... crap, didn't I write a note to myself not to talk to him again? Uh whoops! Bad End I guess.

But now we're in peace negotiations... so your counts of treason are currently suspended. I suppose...
Oh, phew. We got a mulligan on prison! Let's... hurry and get out of here before he changes his mind.
This is absolutely not fair... How can you put the two cutest fairies first!? How's the damn frog and fish supposed to compete with this!?
MUSIC: All Our Friends - Xiatian
Welcome back to Xiatian! We aren't exploring the whole town, just the front area.
The ship band! They got back together for a tour! Phil's here with them as well! Let's start with Phil, first.

Wayfarer! It's been a time and a half, hey? I'm grateful just to be alive... after all we and the world went through. Didn't think I'd ever see the capital again. And look! There's witches here too now. Everything's changing so fast. But after so much war, that's a good thing.
Wow, yeah I didn't even think about the fact that the ship-band were witches! I can't believe they've already opened the borders to each other!

I think I'm ready for some wayfaring of my own. I'm gonna take my banjo and see the world! Any way I can, wayfarer. Cause there's so much to do, and so much to see. So what's wrong with taking the backstreets? You'll never know if you don't go. And you'll never shine if you don't glow!
... Game... you made it this far without a meme. We were this close to being meme-free. WHY.

I wanna be like you, wayfarer. Travelling the world with a song in my heart. Making people happy wherever I go... Yeah! Everyone'll know I'm coming by the sound of my banjo. And they'll call me by a special name... like... "That guy Phil, with the banjo!" Yeah. That's the dream.
Maybe... workshop that name a bit? Yeah?
Over on the right side, beyond Phil, is Juan and Mei. They're all that's left of the city to talk to. We'll start with Juan then Mei.

It was so scary! I thought for sure the world was ending! I'm glad it didn't... good thing the Hero saved us! She's the coolest ever!
grumble grumble. Yup, she's so

I wish I met her when she was here!!! Nobody knows where she is now. She vanished! I bet she wanted to live like a normal person now that the world is saved. She's so humble. Me... I would want to be famous. I really wonder what she's doing now... I want to be strong like her someday.
While we will be going around and meeting everybody... there will be one exception to that. Audrey is straight up gone. Did she make it through the ending? There is no clear answer the game can give, but it's likely she didn't. She wasn't around for the ending song, and she was on top of the Dream King when she stabbed him and opened up a black hole. That's... a bad place to be, on top of a black hole. Still, she isn't 100% dead, just comic book dead.
Alright, let's chat with Mei then we'll chat with the band.

Hello again... did my flower come in handy? You said it was to save the world or something, didn't you? The world's still here, so it must have worked! Ho ho ho! My husband gave me that flower many years ago. It was a hardy one... I was protective of it, since it was the last thing I had of him. But of course that's not true. I have all of our happy memories together, too! The flower wasn't worth much by comparison. Giving it away felt like the right thing... I was finally able to move on with my life. See! I even left the house. Ho ho ho!
Aww, that's nice Mei. We really didn't get to know you that well, so the emotional impact isn't really there, but still, that flower ended up being really handy! It incapacitated Audrey, though I guess things might have worked better if she just... didn't wake up from it.

I'm in a wonderful mood, the likes of which I haven't been in a long, long time... So I made cookies. I'm sharing them with everyone today.
Dang, I want some cookies now. Let's go talk to the band then hit the road!

Now that the border are open again, we've hit the road!

Or... the river With my boat.

We're a sailing band!

Not... really. But look! I even got a new accordion!

We still remember your song, too!

That's right!
It's the exact same song and performance as before, so I'll leave a video for those that are really interested in seeing it again. But otherwise, we'll decline and move on.
VIDEO: Boat Band Performance part 2

Alright then, amigo.
Let's head on out....
Alright, the Frog King ain't a bad look. But it can't compete with the Dog of Hearts or the Mouse King. Though if it keeps its accent, it may be on somewhat equal ground.
MUSIC: All Our Friends - Chismest
Bard's back in his hometown! It's been a while Chismest, how have things been since the factory shut down?
Elmer is still here, but he doesn't have anything to say. Probably for the best, that.
The astronomer is up near the factory though, what does she have to say?

Ah, my old cohort. How do you do? With the Baron stepping down from the factory... I've seized the means of toy production, and repurposed it to be my new laboratory. There is so much machinery in here with so much potential... We could use it to manufacture new technologies, to the benefit of everyone. That's my vision for this place.
A clean laboratory, producing goods that's beneficial to mankind, with the means seized by the workers?

One by one, all the stars went out... until none were left. I was watching the sky at that moment. It sent a shiver down my spine...

But then, all at once... the sky was filled with completely new stars. New constellations, new galaxies... A new hope for us. I don't know how long our lease on existence has extended, but it made me reconsider what I was doing with mine. That's what brought me to here. They say the stars guide our destinies. That some can be born under a lucky star... and some not.


I think it's a load of sharkquack...
(Pardon my language) But there's something poetic about a new sky of stars, isn't there? The old stars that guided us are dead... and now our destinies are in our own hands. We get to decide what will become of this world moving forward. Maybe that was always true... but now I believe it. I hope to create a good future.
We certainly hope you do that, Elara. Also sorry about all the stars going out, Audrey needed every last star before she'd give up.
Over on the right side is our comrade in arms, Peter.

You've returned... we've been toiling away here. After our quest to destroy the factory... we had to create something to replace it. Miss Astronomer... that is, Elara... She has such grand vision for this city. I couldn't help but be taken up by it. I see Miriam is here, as well...


Part of me wishes to speak with her again... but... I suppose things are... awkward... Miriam and I are on separate journeys. I can see now that it was never meant to be. If only I'd the wisdom to know it when she did. My heart still burns for her... but, in a respectful, non-romantic way.
Aww, that's still kinda romantic Peter. Sorry though, Miriam's changed a lot, but I'm not sure she's ready for love.

In the cold, dead city Chismest once was... Miriam's passion burned lout and bright. But now the people of Chismest are free, and our dreams, which were once frozen beneath the snow... can finally thaw and bloom here once more. It is a new life for all of us here.
So long Peter. Good luck with reforging this city. Right below Peter is a group of people to talk to.

It's me. The guy who was in the Happy Kid mask. Remember? Whatever... I've got a new job now. I'll never have to wear that cruddy Happy Kid mask again. And I'm finally putting my science degree to use. The factory's a lab now... have you heard? We're developing stuff that's gonna change the world. The Baron may have had some wacky ideas about toys, but the guy really knew how to build a production line. His stuff is gonna take us far. This isn't gonna be a crappy factory town anymore... Chismest is gonna be at the forefront of technology! I can feel it.
That's super good to hear Miles! Also, As I mentioned, we ran out the credits from taking so long talking to people. The "Thank you for playing!" message is all that's left. Not a bad message to leave on.
Winston, Berry, and our dear mom are all that's left.
So long Berry! We couldn't have done it all without you!!

Yaha! You came back! Me and Berry are doing so great! We never would have come together with you... Thank you so much. I mean it! She taught me a lot about myself. Nobody in this town ever believed in me, before you. But now it feels like everyone does! It's hard, feeling worthless... and it's hard when nobody cares about you. Because you can't control if they do. But... you CAN control if you care about other people! Berry gave me someone to care about. I'd never had that before... but once I did... it made me feel so cared for, too.
It's so good to see how much Winston has turned around. Simple things can help make someone else's life so much better.

Now that Elara is opening up a lab... I think I'm going to help out there! I've never done science before... but I want to learn! Being with Elara makes me feel so special. It feels like we can do anything with her.
Last person in Chismest to talk to, is our mom. Hi mom!

Doo hoo hoo! It's my muffin! Are you finally moving back in with momma?


What a shame. Your father finally came home, after all these years. He settled in completely right away! Now I can't get him to leave! I couldn't even make him come out to say hello...

That's ok! I don't even remember what he looks like.

Muffin! That's too sad for me to even think of. You grew up without a father's love... Maybe that's why you turned out like... this.

Hey, mom what are you insinuating?! Bard's cool as heck!

Muffin... even if you are very strange... you know your momma loves you, right? I wish I saw you more. And, he'd never say it, but... I'm sure your father is ashamed for never seeing you. We should all have a meal together someday soon... and be a family again. All we have in this world is each other, muffin. Let's not let each other go.

So... this conversation, combined with the short cutscene of Mom's house during the ending... implies that the Baron is Bard's father. I... really don't get why this "twist" is here. It doesn't really add anything to their relationship, outside of maybe justifying the Baron legitimately being misguided in his attempts to bring happiness to people. Like father like son, except the son was more empathetic and the father more analytical. I don't know, it's not the greatest thing, and really isn't touched on so we'll move on.
He looks so happy!! He also looks like a middle manager, but gosh darnit he's so happy to be working on that spreadsheet!
MUSIC: All Our Friends - Tatango
You know Bard missed them, we're back to hang with the pirates! Let's talk to the captain first.

Matey! It's been so long! Have ye been adventurin'? We've been on some'a arr own! The mermaids joined arr crew now! We sound better than ever, matey. Yeh've got to sing with us again, soon!
We'll try, but no promises! Unless we get to sail again, then definitely!

I came into this world with a dream... to captain my own pirate crew! And when I saw me first mermaid... I had one more dream, to see 'er again. All my life, just to make those things real. And now they are... it's somethin special, matey. I feel blessed everyday. This crew's more'n a crew. We're a family! A family we all chose, together. And now that my dreams came true... I wanna foster
their dreams! That's what a good captain oughtta do. And remember, matey... to this family, you'll always be... like... a... weird... cousin, or somethin.


What I'm sayin is, ye can come back anytime. We love ye, matey.
You guys made Act 3 into something memorable. The pirate sailing portion was when I knew this game was going to be great. It's so fantastic.
At the front of the ship is the captain's mermaid "friend."
Woooo! Me and my girls are taking over this ship!!! No more hiding out on secret islands for us! We're adventurers now! It's pretty great.
In case you were wondering, this is her full name. It's a uh, mouthful. I'm gonna keep calling her Mel.

The captain is an alright guy, turns out. He was really weird when we first met, but he kinda chilled out. I like his pirate persona, and I also like being a pirate. It's a cool new direction for us... what's next for us? I dunno... I'd like to travel the world... see something besides just ocean. I hear there's these other ocean-types... called like... "rivers," or "lakes," or something... Those sound pretty chill.
She's gonna be disappointed as heck to see a river. Maybe not a lake, though are mermaids salt-water fish? This... is something I don't want to think about any longer. Let's go find someone else to speak with.

Youngun! Made it back in one piece, hah?


I was worried. Didn't think ye had it in ye. Kids like you don't go far in this world... Least, I thought so. Betcha seen some things now! Maybe yer crust as ol' Lou now! Heh. No... you definitely ain't.
Aww jeez Lou! You aren't as crusty as you keep saying you are.

I ain't one to leave the ship much. But the sky's puttin' on quite a show today. Ain't ever seen somethin like it... Ye gotta be grateful for life's miracles.
It's been somewhat hard to point out in screenshots, but there has been a constant rain of stars from the heavens during the entire epilogue. It really does look super cool and even a little bit inspiring.
Hey, it's Gabe! Remember him? He's the one who asked for where to go next in Mohabumi. We told him Tatango, and here he is!

Oh, wow! I travelled here on your recommendation. Remember? But I didn't expect I'd see you again! There's something special, about seeing a familiar face in a strange place. I've got to put that in my travel guide! I really enjoyed Tatango. Who knew pirates were so fun? It made me antsy to try a high seas adventure of my own... that's why I'm here now! I'll have a whole chapter of pirate adventures!
That's really cool Gabe! And uh, when you're done with your vacation, do you mind fixing steam? It's real bad, dude.
The purple-haired mermaid has nothing to say, but Penny sure does!

It's you! Business has been going well. While these bozos have been worrying about mermaids... I've been keeping our bean flow strong. Money isn't gonna make itself! I mean... I haven't been ALL business, but... mostly.
You can afford to not work so hard Penny! Sit back, relax and have some... coffee.

I care so much about this crew. I want them to have good lives, yknow? That's why I gotta be the one... to keep her eyes on the beans. I like my job, kept us going this long! It's so great to see you again. You've gotta have a coffee with the crew later! Or... oh. Right... you and coffee don't mix so well, do you? Well... I've heard of this new thing... called "Decaf"...


If you like terrible things...
This game has shown love for everyone, and everything... except if you like Decaf. Then you can get out of here with that shit.
Francisco out here trying to look all serious and scary in front of his new mermaid friend.

Why, if it isn't the silly one. Back for more, huh? Just kidding. The truth is... this whole crew's as silly as they come. I've been fooling myself denying the obvious truth. It's good to have you back. So... actually, I've been thinking about quitting coffee.


...Yeah. I don't sleep great on it, and it makes me feel anxious all the time. I haven't even had any today yet. The sky is exploding with glowing stars, so it hasn't been too hard to stay awake.
The sky exploding with stars? Why that sounds... silly! Francis was real cool, and low key my favorite of the pirates. But I'm a sucker for some droll person sneering as they join in the silliness.
With that... we've talked to everyone here! It's time to continue our journey onward.
I really wish we got to see what Queen Chaos got to look like. I've just no strong feelings on this one, just because the Chaos Fairy was the most boring fairy.
MUSIC: All Our Friends - Delphi
Gosh, Delphi is still so dang colorful. The town does seem to be back to normal, too!
It's Jeb! and his son... uh, the dude who ran the CrayRay.
You sang for the candy, it made me dandy... Remember that? It's the melody you wrote for my candy shop, skipper! I wrote some new lyrics in case I ever saw you again. It brought the kids into the shop like crazy! Just like I wanted! Thank you!
Is... is that a good thing? You kinda said that in a creepy way Jeb! Let's... talk to his son, and forget that conversation happened.

'Ey! You're the bozo who saved the Crazy Raven! Well, things are going better than ever! That band you started is back in town for a show! And my comedy act is on fire! Wanna hear one?
This... is a giant mistake. But sure, why not. Lay it on us.
SFX: Slidewhistle

You definitely already told me that one!

Oh... well, it's still funny.
No... that's... NOT how jokes work!! They don't get funnier the more you hear them!
It's the...
lovely couple. How are you two lovebirds doin?

Oh, you!

The performer from the Crazy Raven, isn't it?

The one who got us together... cool seeing you again. It's been a real rollercoaster here. I think the world almost ended. I don't know if I would have managed... without Frederick to talk me through it. So, thanks.

It's true. And I don't know where I'd be without Sue... she's taught me so much. I'm trying to be less critical now.


You are a kind person... and I appreciate you. How did I do?
You... actually did good? Wow, good job Frederick! You two are still together, and both trying to change for the better. I can't believe there's a happy ending here for them.
The band is back in town!! We'll start with Ash, then make our way towards Viola, who's on the other side of Manny.

I can't believe Delphi is still here. When we left... it really seemed like it was over for this place. I'm glad...
How all the broken homes and destroyed scenery fixed itself is beyond me, but hey Eya works in mysterious ways.

I went and visited my mom's grave. I wish I could talk to her again... I've been around the world now, playing my accordion. Just like her. And I think I'm getting pretty good, too... I wish I could show her. I wonder what she would think of all of it. The world changed, somehow... didn't it? There was a time when everything was bleak, and it felt like all the spirits of the world were close. But it's not like that now. It feels more... stable, now. Peaceful, even. I don't feel the same fear I used to. But I do miss feeling her so close... well, I know she's still out there. I just hope I made her proud.
Oh, cmon Ash! Your mom came back from the dead just to tell you how much she loves you! Yes! She's proud of you!!
ACE!!! Who knew we'd find each other again in Delphi! We didn't think we'd ever be back here, and you neither! But a miracle's happened! Delphi's shining brighter than ever! And we're back from an adventure 'round the world! It feels like the spirit is
BACK! We're gonna play some shows here they never forget! It looks like your journey's about over too, eh? You've got to sing with us again!
Whaddaya say?!

Totally!!! But... not right now! I haven't been home in forever. I want to have some rest. But I promise I'll be back!

I'll hold you to that, ace! The whole band misses you like crazy!
I can't believe I'm so attached to these people we knew for like 20 minutes. But they genuinely do feel like they were around for the whole game, when they were anything but! Maybe I've just got an attachment to bands in games.

I couldn't stay outta Delphi for too long. She's my town! She gave me so much, growin' up. Maybe I've been all over the world now... but I wouldn'ta gone anywhere if not for her. I owe a lot to this place, and I'm gonna keep givin' back... cause I'm sure somebody out here needs my help, too!
I also can't believe just how sincere and genuine Manny is. The dude is dressed and sounds like a charlatan, and he's super chill! It's so hard to pick favorite side characters, but Manny has to be a top contender.
Finally, lady Viola.

Feels good to be back in Delphi! It's the same classless dump as before... but I've gone through a transformation! I played my heart out on the world stage. I've soared like an eagle! Being here reminds me of how far I've come. I have to thank you again... for bringing the band together. Manny's rough around the edges, but he gets gigs. And Ash is a downer, but their accordion sings like an angel. And then there's me... We make such a great team together. You'll sing with us again someday too, won't you?
Good to see you still have the inflated ego Viola. Or maybe self confidence. Eh, I'd lean towards ego, even if she is good as heck with a violin.

We're having a bit of a comeback tour here. Back in the Crazy Raven again... oh, it's so perfectly full circle! And after that, who knows! It feels like we could go anywhere now. I'm sure we will.
I think you guys could... you're dorky as hell, and I love you all for it. Despite Mitzi showing up in the corner, she's got nothing to say (for once...). So... let's talk to Miriam, and head back out on the trail.
MUSIC: All Our Friends - Saphy & Trolls
It's a short stop this time. The only ones here are Miriam's grandma, and the troll couple. How can we not start with Saphy first, she's super cool and what kickstarted this entire adventure.
Oh, it's so good to see you! Miriam's told me so much about you...

She did?
Oh my, yes! She cares about you so much. And you made her feel a kind of warmth she never had before. She might never tell you that... but it meant so much to hear that from her. She's such a lonely girl, you know? Thank you for being there for her.
The most wholesome of conversations.

I had no idea I'd ever see you two again. Of course, I hoped... but the situation was so hopeless! All I really wanted... was for Miriam to see the world, and make a friend... before she lost the chance to ever do those things. I'm so much more grateful for that... than I am the world being saved. I knew right when we met... that you were someone special. This world can be so dark. We need people with the courage to smile! And to look out for the lost and lonely... there are so many out there who need help, like Miriam. We all need a bit of love!
Gosh... there's just too much wholesomeness in this update. And now there's a plate of onions in front of me!! Who put this here??
Now it's time for our troll-bros to get their moment to shine, one last time.

Oh! The human!

The OK human!

We've met some more OK humans. This witch kept us safe when the world fell apart! We're starting to think humans might just be OK.

Only just starting though. They might still be terrible.

I think they're OK. It's hard to forgive after what happened to us.
THAT human... was definitely terrible. With the scarf... and the lightning sword...


I think I know who you're talking about...

KNOW that one?!

They're so bad!

Hmmm... humans aren't really like that! I promise. Or... definitely not ALL like that. Sometimes we can be real jerks. But there's good ones too! Please don't give up on us!
Bard... actually got a little bit less optimistic. Less naive as well, but... there was a part of his glimmer that did seem to die when Audrey tried to kill the world... for no reason other than her own ego. It's a little sad, though expected.
That's... it for this place. Let's tell Miriam we're ready to head out.
What?! You're leaving just like that, Miriam? After bringing your friend all this way? That simply won't do! Ask if they'd like to stay for dinner!

You wanna stay and have dinner with us?

That sounds nice!
This is so adorable. I think I love the fact that it looks like she's wearing an outfit that's too small for her
MUSIC: All Our Friends - Miriam


So... This is goodbye, huh?

Just for now! But we're gonna hang out all the time! Right?

I hope so...

I'm tired.

Me too.

We came a really long way together, didn't we?


Thanks... for saving the world with me!



Thanks... for...

Ok. ...Bye!!!
With Miriam gone... there is no one left to talk to, and nothing left for Bard. This adventure is over... and like all heroes... he deserves to get a good night sleep.
SFX: Bard Snore
MUSIC: All Our Friends - Wandersong
With the ending reached, we can now go back and access any major scene from the start of that scene. It's great for a replay, since you can just get to your favorite bits and skip the parts you don't care for as much. There's some issues with this, specifically that dialogue is saved in the map... so repeating a scene, even from start, may not trigger all the dialogue a fresh save will allow. For instance, I had to delete my save because Miriam's dialogue wasn't showing up in the beginning of the game on a completed save. Still, most people won't care about that, since most people aren't doing an LP
This game genuinely reached out and touched me, and really reinforced a positive attitude in me. For the past few years, I've been a super negative and cynical person... and in a way, I still am. But I've tried to be more like Bard, long before I started playing this game. And when things like this come along, it can make it feel easier to try and smile, even when life can be utterly crushing and hopeless. I can only hope this LP introduced people to this game, who would have never heard of it, like I wouldn't have if not for a good friend. This game, as of writing, just came out, and is made by only a couple of people. Any support you throw their way, would surely be appreciated. With all that said, that's the end of Wandersong's story! And there remains no more secrets to be found! Nope! Not a one! That's the end folks! So long!